Natural Selection of cooperation and degree hierarchy in heterogeneous populations

J. Poncela, J. Gómez-Gardeñes, L.M. Floría, Y. Moreno
Times cited: 37


One of the current theoretical challenges to the explanatory powers of Evolutionary Theory is the
understanding of the observed evolutionary survival of cooperative behavior when selfish actions
provide higher fitness (reproductive success). In unstructured populations natural selection drives
cooperation to extinction. However, when individuals are allowed to interact only with their neighbors,
specified by a graph of social contacts, cooperation-promoting mechanisms (known as lattice
reciprocity) offer to cooperation the opportunity of evolutionary survival. Recent numerical works on
the evolution of Prisoner’s Dilemma in complex network settings have revealed that graph
heterogeneity dramatically enhances the lattice reciprocity. Here we show that in highly heterogeneous
populations, under the graph analog of replicator dynamics, the fixation of a strategy in the whole
population is in general an impossible event, for there is an asymptotic partition of the population in
three subsets, two in which fixation of cooperation or defection has been reached and a third one which
experiences cycles of invasion by the competing strategies. We show how the dynamical partition
correlates with connectivity classes and characterize the temporal fluctuations of the fluctuating set,
unveiling the mechanisms stabilizing cooperation in macroscopic scale-free structures.