Reciprocal interactions out of congestion-free adaptive networks

Gavalda, A, Duch, J, Gomez-GardeƱes, J
Phys. Rev. E 85,  026112 (2012)
Times cited: 1


In this paper we study the jamming transition in complex adaptive networks. We introduce an adaptation mechanism that modifies the weight of the communication channels in order to delay the congestion onset. Adaptivity takes place locally as it is driven by each node of the network. Surprisingly, regardless of the structural properties of the backbone topology, e.g., its degree distribution, the adaptive network can reach optimal functioning provided it allows a reciprocal distribution of the weights. Under this condition, the optimal functioning is achieved through an extensive network reshaping ending up in a highly reciprocal weighted network whose critical onset of congestion is delayed up to its maximum possible value. We also show that, for a given network, the reciprocal weighting obtained from adaptation produce optimal static configurations.