Scale invariance and universality: organizing principles in complex systems

Stanley, HE, Amaral, LAN, Gopikrishnan, P, Ivanov, PC, Keitt, TH, Plerou, V
Physica A 281,  60 - 68 (2000)
Times cited: 56


This paper is a brief summary of a talk that was designed to address the question of whether two of the pillars of the field of phase transitions and critical phenomena - scale invariance and universally - can be useful in guiding research on a broad class of complex phenomena. We shall see that while scale invariance has been tested for many years, universality is relatively more rarely discussed. In particular, we shall develop a heuristic argument that serves to make more plausible the universality hypothesis in both thermal critical phenomena and percolation phenomena, and suggest that this argument could be developed into a possible coherent approach to understanding the ubiquity of scale invariance and universality in a wide range of complex systems. © 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.