Complex systems and networks: challenges and opportunities for chemical and biological engineers
Amaral LAN, Ottino JMChemical Engineering and Science 59, 1653 - 1666 (2004)
Times cited: 33
The difference between the complicated and the complex is not just
quantitative; it is also qualitative. Complexity requires both an
augmentation of the conceptual framework and new tools. In this
manuscript we describe the challenges faced when studying complex
systems and describe how scientists from many different areas have
responded to these challenges. We briefly describe the toolkit used for
studying complex systems: nonlinear dynamics, statistical physics, and
network theory. We place particular emphasis on network theory due to
the explosive rate of advance that the field has recently experienced.
We argue that chemical engineering conversant with a systems viewpoint
that is deeply embedded in its culture and the ability to tackle
problems across a broad range of length and time scales is in
excellent position to master and develop new tools and to tackle the
many challenges posed by complex systems. To illustrate this fact, we
briefly review two cases-ecologic food webs and cellular networks-where
chemical engineers could have an immediate impact. © 2004 Elsevier Ltd.
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