Evolutionary game dynamics in a growing structured population

J. Poncela, J. Gómez-Gardeñes, Y. Moreno, A. Traulsen
NEW JOURNAL OF PHYSICS 11,  083031 (2009)
Times cited: 78


We discuss a model for evolutionary game dynamics in a growing,
network-structured population. In our model, new players can either make
connections to random preexisting players or preferentially attach to those
that have been successful in the past. The latter depends on the dynamics of
strategies in the game, which we implement following the so-called Fermi rule
such that the limits of weak and strong strategy selection can be explored.
Our framework allows to address general evolutionary games. With only two
parameters describing the preferential attachment and the intensity of selection,
we describe a wide range of network structures and evolutionary scenarios.
Our results show that even for moderate payoff preferential attachment, over
represented hubs arise. Interestingly, we find that while the networks are
growing, high levels of cooperation are attained, but the same network structure
does not promote cooperation as a static network. Therefore, the mechanism of
payoff preferential attachment is different to those usually invoked to explain the
promotion of cooperation in static, already-grown networks.