Small-world networks: Evidence for a crossover picture

Barthelemy M, Amaral LAN
Physical Review Letters 82,  3180 - 3183 (1999)
Times cited: 158


Watts and Strogatz [Nature (London) 393, 440 (1998)] have recently introduced a model for disordered networks and reported that, even for very small values of the disorder p in the links, the network behaves as a “small world.” Here, we test the hypothesis that the appearance of small-world behavior is not a phase transition but a crossover phenomenon which depends both on the network size n and on the degree of disorder p. We propose that the average distance l between any two vertices of the network is a scaling function of n/n. The crossover size n above which the network behaves as a small world is shown to scale as n*(p much less than 1) similar to p(-tau) with tau approximate to 2/3.